Amy Martin 🇬🇧
amymartin1105's Channel
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amymartin1105 Take note when any newcomers of my allies join the internet, they will NOT post any war related craps. So don't expect them do it anytime soon because peace has been already restored. (2 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 I also forgive Albert Colijn as well. And yes, he also did apologize to me as well after we both were chatting about something. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 Just outdated the avatar of mine I made back in August. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 Since all of the madness against me is over, I've decided to change my icon back to normal. And also reusing back to my old avatar I made back in April. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 This is the best October has been this year. Everyone who hates each other has stopped messing with each other nowadays. Even me, my allies and the Harrison siblings (Christopher and Sonia) as well. (3 weeks ago)
Channel Comments (232)
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) Not to forget, Jim Harino is a shit stirrer as well.

For the way he uses his Arash Ajaib account to ruin peoples' friendships. He uses the Chris Bonchano allies (Jim Harino allies) do the same exact thing too.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) Jim Harino has been using his James Bonchano account to keep torturing me NEARLY everyday.

This proves that he is behind the Arash Ajaib account since he also uses that account to making multiple love videos out of me and (you already know who) every single day by adding "ex-girlfriend/ex-boyfriend" in every single title video of us.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) Jim Harino once uses his Arash Ajaib account to make my life miserable since December 2022, by making the same false relationship rumors about me dating (you know who) and causing me and my comrades to betray the latter.

Right now, Jim is using his James Bonchano account to make thing even more worse apart the false relationship ones.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) Jim Harino's database information LEAKED:

Name: Jim Harino
Age: 26
D.O.B: December 19, 1998
Nationality: American

Known crimes:
Cancelling people
Sexual harassment

Affiliations: My ass

Friends: No one, but just imaginary sock friends of his

Job: None

Interests: Wasting my life going after the same users for a living

Relationship: Yes, my girlfriend is Eva Marmot
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) At least to say that Jim Harino didn't use one of his socks to include me onto his birthday video out of the Autistic 12-years old Vietnamese-Italian GoFag son of Alessandro Muto, Wilson Anderson using FlashThemes since February.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) Jim Harino and his socks also keep wasting their lives including me in every single birthday videos out of the people they hate as well.

They can't even include other users onto their birthday videos out of them at all.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) Some friends of mine who had been cancelled since 2021 - 2023 would've still in the war if Jim Harino and his socks never made the false relationship rumors about them, and also including me onto their birthday videos out of them.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) If James Bonchano (Sock by Jim Harino) says that I "created" my my comrades'' accounts, then HE SHOULD NOT FUCKING HARASS THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE! Same goes to all the rest of the socks Jim made.

But instead of that, they've literally cancelled almost every single of them by making shitty lies about them apart from the false sock account rumor ones.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) So James Bonchano (Sock by Jim Harino) decided to talk shit about me on some German guy's chat, eh?

Then he can STFU for saying to me, otherwise I will make him to go and suck Eva Marmot's juicy vagina.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) How many the light and dark side socks Jim Harino created on Social Media?

1000000000000000000000000 of them.
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