Amy Martin 🇬🇧
amymartin1105's Channel
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Apr 20, 2024
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3 weeks ago
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Recent Activity
amymartin1105 Take note when any newcomers of my allies join the internet, they will NOT post any war related craps. So don't expect them do it anytime soon because peace has been already restored. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 I also forgive Albert Colijn as well. And yes, he also did apologize to me as well after we both were chatting about something. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 Just outdated the avatar of mine I made back in August. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 Since all of the madness against me is over, I've decided to change my icon back to normal. And also reusing back to my old avatar I made back in April. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 This is the best October has been this year. Everyone who hates each other has stopped messing with each other nowadays. Even me, my allies and the Harrison siblings (Christopher and Sonia) as well. (3 weeks ago)
Channel Comments (232)
amymartin1105 (5 months ago) I regret forming my friendship with Alessandro Muto in the first place. He took way too far by causing the dark side members to keep milking FlashThemes videos nonstop which caused them not to go after any other users whom they hate, and also causing them to slander me by putting their 2021 shits on me to falsely claim to go after my allies.

I didn't want to make this, but I have to since I find about his true colors right now.
amymartin1105 (5 months ago) Unhappy birthday to Lazy Clek Bonchano the monkey.
amymartin1105 (5 months ago) Fuck Alessandro Muto the Italian mafia father of Joseph Mitchell nowadays. I regret befriending him in the first place.
amymartin1105 (5 months ago) Unhappy birthday to Lazy Sebastian Brisman.
amymartin1105 (5 months ago) I will stick to making user videos until further notice.
amymartin1105 (5 months ago) I'm taking a break from making FlashThemes videos for a while.

Reasons are clear.
amymartin1105 (5 months ago) The Lazy Chris Bonchano allies the false unwarranted claimers never learn...
amymartin1105 (5 months ago) When will the dark side members ever go after any other users they hate instead of wasting their lives picking up the same ones (including myself) already?
amymartin1105 (5 months ago) If Lazy Michael Bonchano and Lazy Ethan Sudman even think about coming back to the internet just to make false unwarranted claims about targeting my allies and go after me and the same 2 other users (though one Vietnamese GoFag fucker is not any better) again, then I'll order 2 of my other minions to dox their information.
amymartin1105 (5 months ago) There you have it. Charles Meyer, Chloe Baker, Lucy Dubois and I have doxxed the 4 Lazy Chris Bonchano allies' information.

The more they waste their going after me and the same other users and making false claim lies about targeting the members of my allies, the more we will dox more of their information.
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