Amy Martin 🇬🇧
amymartin1105's Channel
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Apr 20, 2024
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amymartin1105 Take note when any newcomers of my allies join the internet, they will NOT post any war related craps. So don't expect them do it anytime soon because peace has been already restored. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 I also forgive Albert Colijn as well. And yes, he also did apologize to me as well after we both were chatting about something. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 Just outdated the avatar of mine I made back in August. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 Since all of the madness against me is over, I've decided to change my icon back to normal. And also reusing back to my old avatar I made back in April. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin1105 This is the best October has been this year. Everyone who hates each other has stopped messing with each other nowadays. Even me, my allies and the Harrison siblings (Christopher and Sonia) as well. (3 weeks ago)
Channel Comments (232)
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) I'm making tons of sexual content out of James Bonchano soon.

He is starting to become even worse than the one when he also makes false relationship rumors about dating a certain user whom he used to always go after.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) Everyone, please get rid of this account already.

I cannot stand him any longer!
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) James Bonchano has no proof that I created sock accounts and THAT'S FUCKING FINAL!

Sure, we all act the same but that doesn't mean that we're all the same person. Everyone has the same behavior and so does his and other socks of his' ones and he should fucking know that.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) How come James Bonchano didn't accuse the members from 3 group of being the same person while he does accuse me of creating my friends' accounts?

Oh wait! I know why because he is being fucking sexist over my gender. He treats all of the female leaders like they don't have even allies at all, but only have themselves.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) And I've already said this multiple times, I do not have either boyfriend or girlfriend. I'm staying single for the rest of my life.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) First, the dark siders keep making false relationship rumors about me dating almost everyone (including a certain retired user whom I won't mention) over and over again back in 2021 to present and now James Bonchano and Michael Bonchano keep making false sock account rumors about me nonstop?

Are they seriously going to spend their whole time slandering me for the rest of my life or what?
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) Man, I wish that I never join the war against the Chris Bonchano allies in the first place since 2020. I first thought that trolling them would be fun, but no, it wasn't. They're becoming even more cancel culturists than ever.

All they ever do is to ruin peoples' lives by making shitty lies about them, wasting their lives going after the same users (Including myself) nonstop and getting one and another to betray each other.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) Once I made a FlashThemes video out of some baguette on his upcoming birthday, I will be permanently done making FlashThemes videos out of the dark siders (including the latter I mention) for good.

These videos I made about them using that website are affecting my own mental health.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) Now that's just perfect...

One of my Dutch friends betrayed me... Lazy James Bonchano is to blame for making him do that to me.
amymartin1105 (3 months ago) HEIL SUSAN ROSSI!
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