WilsonAnderson20000's Channel
Jack Beaumont
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May 25, 2024
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WilsonAnderson20000 VidLii uploading shit is broken again... So instead, I will upload my videos to my MeWe account when VidLii uploading system will get fixed as soon as possible (4 months ago)
WilsonAnderson20000 commented on a video (4 months ago)
Autistic North Vietnamese nigger De...
@doctorwiggleworm Do me a favor and fuck off. You're the one who should do homework, not any assholes. I also mentioned that you are the worst person...
WilsonAnderson20000 Fuck you VidLii for doing shit not letting me comment in (4 months ago)
WilsonAnderson20000 VidLii is drunk or something for not letting me comment in (4 months ago)
WilsonAnderson20000 Can you just let me comment already VidLii you keep say that (4 months ago)
Channel Comments (490)
annamartin1105 (4 months ago) Go tickle Eva Marmot's barefeet.
kanghoang1105 (4 months ago) Keep plagiarizing off my friends' stuffs nonstop and I will keep doing the same thing to you, GoBrat.

The more you keep this up, the more I will do the same thing to you.
selenamitchell1105 (4 months ago) "That's what I say for tell me to have sex or threesome with these dummkopfs when I am not know with"

You should go have threesome with Eva Marmot and Lucy Marmot and that's what we keep forcing you to do so since you won't ever keep your mouth shut about everything we are doing, you cyberstalking son of Alessandro Muto.
selenamitchell1105 (4 months ago) "The more Selena Mitchell and her allies call me that name, the more I will keep talk shit and become red"

Try us niggers because we won't ever quit harassing you nonstop until you STFU about the shits we are doing already and quit copying us already.
selenamitchell1105 (4 months ago) "I plagiarizing off Selena Mitchell and her allies stuffs for a good reason, not listen to me for what I said about call me these names"

That's no excuse why you keep doing this crap to us nonstop. We keep calling you an Autistic North Vietnamese GoFag for a good reason since you won't ever STFU about us and our businesses. Even if we were to ignore you, you will still keep repeating the same process on us over and over again no matter what.
broitcaesar2002 (4 months ago) "Broit Caesar's TTS Voice on FlashThemes' exposed

Stuart (UK)"

Your voice EXPOSED: Michael Angelis from FakeYou.
JamesBonchano (4 months ago) "Michael Bonchano should have his Twitter account banned"

Fucking blind-ass Autistic nigger. Michael Bonchano does not have a Twitter account, you blind egotistic nigger.
JamesBonchano (4 months ago) "I stalk James Bonchano for a good reason"

Make me, you fucking Autistic North Vietnamese cocksucking nigger.
shanechan1105 (4 months ago) "Shane Chan was right about me, I'm South Vietnamese"

I never said that to you at all. In fact, you're North Vietnamese. So STFU and stop accusing me of shits I never said anything about you at all, you North Vietnamese son of Alessandro Muto.
shanechan1105 (4 months ago) "The good thing is Shane Chan said I am never pretend to be Italian or a German, I only swear in German, and he says I even admit I am South Vietnamese

But people keep call me an Italian"

Did I ever say anything about you, you blind fucking nigger? No I didn't, so STFU already you cunt.
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