Joined: Jan 19, 2018
Last Sign In: 1 year ago Subscribers: 70
Video Views: 492 Channel Views: 1,504
Age: 27
hey guys! name's Niko, but most people know me by my username "Timber Humphrey". not much to know about me. i'm a 20 year old YouTuber and moviegoer. new videos are coming soon!
Country: Albania
Interests: playing basketball, making videos, watching movies, playing videos games, learning animation
Movies: i like a lotta movies
Music: Pop, rock, hip hop, rap, dancehall, house, electronic, alternative rock
Books: Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings
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TimberHumphrey2 became friends with SSG48Resurrected (2 years ago) | ||
TimberHumphrey2 became friends with PsychedelicSubstance (3 years ago) | ||
TimberHumphrey2 became friends with BloodyBlink1982Lost (3 years ago) | ||
TimberHumphrey2 became friends with Kënuma (3 years ago) | ||
TimberHumphrey2 became friends with guest (5 years ago) |
Channel Comments (178)
TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago)
Yep. How are you today?
TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago)
I just haven't felt like it lately for some reason.
TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago)
Same here. I haven't played a video game in over a week.
TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago)
That's good. Same here. Played any games today?
Rich (6 years ago)
Google bought YouTube for just the same reason that they bought instagram and wanted to buy FaceBook. Control our social lives,run excessive amounts of adds, sell our personal info and ban us when they can't make enough money from us.
Rich (6 years ago)
lol not while Google own it.
Rich (6 years ago)
It might take a few weeks for the result.
Rich (6 years ago)
We'll see if I get my channel back.
TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago)
Cool. How are you?
Rich (6 years ago)
The channel was flagged and it got banned for terms of use violations of YouTube's terms, no strikes or anything.
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