MusicAndAntiques64(7 years ago)
Yep , this site is better than YouTube in my opinion.
PS2(7 years ago)@Playstation4Gamer64 Yeah, there's a lot of potential for usernames here since the site's so small. Although, anything Google-related seems to be banned. lol
MusicAndAntiques64(7 years ago)
Oh cool and yep. To be honest with you, I'm shocked nobody used the user called PS2 sooner than when they did as well. :)
PS2(7 years ago)@Playstation4gamer64 Not much, just found this place through a friend and decided to join. I saw that nobody was using the PS2 name, so I figured i'd make a channel about it.
MusicAndAntiques64(7 years ago)
Nice channel and welcome to VidLii. What's up?