I have been resurrected
LolwutPear's Channel
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LolwutPear Turns out the Windows 8.1 Destruction file is corrupted, I will post the only footage that remains. (1 week ago)
LolwutPear I found old videos i made and only uploaded them to YouTube from early 2023, they will be split into parts since they are so long, but the videos without the cuts will be uploaded to bitchute. (1 week ago)
LolwutPear Lmao how do I have -61 subscriptions (1 month ago)
LolwutPear If have seen my video count go down, thats cuz aniki forced me to take down some videos because of gore, and violent ideologies, sorry about that! - Sapphire Blue (2 months ago)
LolwutPear I have been resurrected (3 months ago)
Channel Comments (1,252)
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @YTPMaker42069 NIGGER
YTPMaker42069 (1 year ago) NIGGER DICK TASTE BEST!!! THERE I SAID IT!! OKAY?!?!?
YTPMaker42069 (1 year ago) @iloveanime721 I agree friend
lemonboy1111 (1 year ago) being judged the way how i am, people will target me judge for me to react out of anger. my videos made me as a better person. but there will be some people either out of misunderstood animosity or just jealous to the point of people want to bring you down. that's just my opinion though
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @ClassicPlayer2007 ok
ClassicPlayer2007 (1 year ago) omg ytpmaker69420 ee? ok this word i gonna tell my friend Victorek
4dojo (1 year ago) They're just regular internet trolls. They target the people that they can get the biggest reactions from. That sort of thing wouldn't work on me because I don't care enough to get upset by what people say, but iloveanime gets worked up very easily so trolls target him alot.
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @4dojo I may not like iloveanime but he doesn't deserve to get impersonated
4dojo (1 year ago) Yeah. Two fake accounts keep commenting on my channel, so I just keep deleting those comments. It's obvious who the fakes are because their account are impossible to reply to.
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @iloveanirne721backup Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes Gas all kikes
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