I have been resurrected
LolwutPear's Channel
Recent Activity
LolwutPear Turns out the Windows 8.1 Destruction file is corrupted, I will post the only footage that remains. (1 week ago)
LolwutPear I found old videos i made and only uploaded them to YouTube from early 2023, they will be split into parts since they are so long, but the videos without the cuts will be uploaded to bitchute. (1 week ago)
LolwutPear Lmao how do I have -61 subscriptions (1 month ago)
LolwutPear If have seen my video count go down, thats cuz aniki forced me to take down some videos because of gore, and violent ideologies, sorry about that! - Sapphire Blue (2 months ago)
LolwutPear I have been resurrected (3 months ago)
Channel Comments (1,252)
ZKYear35 (1 year ago) i dont care what you crackers say you all will get banned good riddance cunts
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @ZKYear35 I was just joking about being a nazi you fucking faggot
ZKYear35 (1 year ago) i was joking retard lmfao i'm not that stupid nazi guy btw i reported your shit server have fun in getting banned now #liividisbetterthanvidlii
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @P0INT I'm not even a sandnigger lol
Ytpexposer (1 year ago) Oh look the dickhead can barely fight back stfu you racist son of a bitch noone loves you
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @BrentonTarrant YOUR BACK YAYAYAYAYA, BTW I'M DOING GOOD.
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @iloveanime721backup I know thats not the real Anthony Giarrusso
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @Ytpexposer HOW YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO TO LIVID YOU NIGTARD
iloveanime721backup (1 year ago) @ytpmaker. its real iloveanime721 here. i dont think anthony the one that attacked you but his imposter. knowing him, he's too mature for this so i dont think he's the one would do this
AnthonyGiarrusso (1 year ago) @Anth0nyGiarrusso Stop imposter! You have broken one of Vidlii's guidelines. "You may not use as a username the name of another person or entity or that is not lawfully available for use, a name or trade mark that is subject to any rights of another person or entity other than you without appropriate authorization, or a name that is otherwise offensive, vulgar or obscene."     
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