TwinTowersSmoker's Channel
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TwinTowersSmoker became friends with naperiggers (1 year ago) | ||
TwinTowersSmoker favorited a video (1 year ago) My Perfect Life
searched up 'gacha rape' on Jewtube and this was the first result. |
TwinTowersSmoker commented on a video (1 year ago) My Perfect Life
Rated 5 stars best video in the universe |
TwinTowersSmoker became friends with SlaterTheHater (1 year ago) | ||
TwinTowersSmoker became friends with KexxuPLP (2 years ago) |
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Channel Comments (18)
vidliisucksdick (9 months ago)
BigStrongSlater (1 year ago)
9/11 time
TwinTowersSmoker (1 year ago)
See kids. If you eat right and exercise you don't have to be weak or fat. In the immortal words of Mohammed Ali "I'm so pretty!".
TwinTowersSmoker (2 years ago)
See kids. If you eat right and exercise you don't have to be weak or fat. In the immortal words of Mohammed Ali "I'm so pretty!".
OfflcerScout (2 years ago)
My mother has passed away today.
Thanks for the support on YouTube and Facebook guys
Thanks for the support on YouTube and Facebook guys
TwinTowersSmoker (2 years ago)
@OfficerScout omg no plz me so skared....... spare meh
OfficerScout (2 years ago)
Trolls will b fist bumped by thy VGTT law
AmazingWimperVGTT (2 years ago)
Trolls R scared
TwinTowersSmoker (2 years ago)
@AmazingWimperVGTT Giving you attention is the last thing I will ever do in my life, get outta here I don't care
AmazingWimperVGTT (2 years ago)
speshal kid
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