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Channel Comments (21)

LolwutPear (1 year ago)
v I agree, but like why post this here

thestarx1 (1 year ago)
I literally quit, Vidlii without active moderation is like a disaster with tsunamis, earthquakse, And, there are sex videos uploaded into vidlii,
Vidllii is an 2009 youtube site, Why would you ruin it?
Biview is not innapropiate, it would be a rampage if bitview also had sex videos, Vidlii is just a 2009 youtube revival trying to be so accurate, why would you just flood it with sex videos in Vidlii, i have been on vidlii for long time, this should be the worst day for vidlii users ever.
Vidllii is an 2009 youtube site, Why would you ruin it?
Biview is not innapropiate, it would be a rampage if bitview also had sex videos, Vidlii is just a 2009 youtube revival trying to be so accurate, why would you just flood it with sex videos in Vidlii, i have been on vidlii for long time, this should be the worst day for vidlii users ever.

FaoplichOrLichfaop (1 year ago)

theokimber (2 years ago)

AverageCosmic (3 years ago)
No memes in genral @everyone

Animaster (5 years ago)
everyone on discord
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