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Bombaclat commented on a video (1 month ago) I AM BACK LOLOLOLOOL
@LolwutPear shut up, retard |
Bombaclat commented on a video (2 months ago) I AM BACK LOLOLOLOOL
@SapphireBlue because racism is bad. |
Bombaclat commented on a video (2 months ago) |
Bombaclat favorited a video (2 months ago) |
Bombaclat commented on a video (3 months ago) Cat attacks metal waterbottle
@SkibidiCoffee oh okay |
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Bombaclat (3 months ago)
@KillAllWypipo no kid, I'm nuraa* bro's calling me a kid when he/she can't even write properly
Bombaclat (3 months ago)
@KillAllWypipo yup you're prob nuraa or one of his retarded friends
Bombaclat (3 months ago)
@KillAllWypipo israhell, Isnotreal, isragel, isgay, lesbrael, fuckrael, dickrael nigrael, pussrael, cowardael,free israhell from the world map!Velvour stop spamming me, get a life coward. You're obsessed with us.
Bombaclat (3 months ago)
@PedotaniaBurchness are you ok bruh?
PedotaniaBurchness (3 months ago)
@SAVEPALESTINE @Bombaclat haw haw haw u beed ah sokk akkunt 2 BaC yosheylf up cuz ur returded azz iz loozing hard, cry witeboy. Burn urself 4 nuffin like ur pathetik race alweaz du.
SAVEPALESTINE (3 months ago)
@PedotaniaBurchness stop barking retard
SAVEPALESTINE (3 months ago)
@PedotaniaBurchnes stop barking
PedotaniaBurchness (3 months ago)
@bombaclat cry larper witeboi ur shakin n shittin urselvz as ur gettin punkked nnowned olnie u weel nvr be ah reel arba, mudslim, polyglot, nd ah fart poopenstonian.das wai da j00z r kikkin da muslim azzes az dey sit n d cry wai wite ppll liek u burn urselves 4 nuffin, HAW HAW HAW
Bombaclat (3 months ago)
@PedotaniaBurchness Palestine*
Bombaclat (3 months ago)
@PedotaniaBurchness how about you shut the f*¢k up. And kys
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