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Bombaclat commented on a video (3 weeks ago) I AM BACK LOLOLOLOOL
@LolwutPear shut up, retard |
Bombaclat commented on a video (1 month ago) I AM BACK LOLOLOLOOL
@SapphireBlue because racism is bad. |
Bombaclat commented on a video (1 month ago) |
Bombaclat favorited a video (1 month ago) |
Bombaclat commented on a video (2 months ago) Cat attacks metal waterbottle
@SkibidiCoffee oh okay |
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Talmud (4 months ago)
I love how u say shit like “humans have limits” 2 make urself appear 2 have a maturity level above a 5 y/o. Ur so fucking immature u make me look like I have a monopoly over maturity 😂😂😂
Bombaclat (4 months ago)
@Talmud ain't no fucking way bruv. You started this, I was literally so kind thinking that you'll be able to shut the fuck up. And when I showed my other face you started crying, like shut the fuck up before I erase you and your parents. They don't give a single fuck about you because you're useless
Talmud (4 months ago)
@Bombaclat If telling some1 2 kill themself every single day is 2 kind and soft then u r the most toxic person ever
Talmud (4 months ago)
@Bombaclat I am loved by both my mother and my father and they have absolutely zero fucking clue that I spend almost all my free time harassing ppl on the internet and watching porn. U can go cry urself 2 sleep knowing that internet tough guy 😂
Talmud (4 months ago)
@Bombaclat Mask off! I fucking caught u
Talmud (4 months ago)
@Bombaclat The fact u respond like this rather than rebuking me like every other Muslim I fucking talk 2 whether it be I’m trolling or not just shows u don’t actually believe this shit that much
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