Begbie's Channel
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Sep 09, 2017
Picture the scene: The other fuckin' week there, down the fuckin' Volley with Tommy, playing pool. I'm playing like Paul-Fuckin'-Newman by the way. Givin' the boy here the tannin' of a lifetime. So it comes to the, down to the last shot, the deciding ball of the whole tournament. I'm on the black and he's sittin' in the corner looking all fuckin' biscuit-arsed. When this hard cunt comes in. Obviously fuckin' fancies himself, like. Starts staring at me. Lookin' at me, right fuckin' at me, as if to say, "Come ahead, square go." You ken me, I'm not the type of cunt that goes looking for fuckin' bother, like, but at the end of the day I'm the cunt with a pool cue and he can get the fat end in his puss any time he fucking wanted like.

So I squares up, casual like. What does the hard cunt do? Or the so-called hard cunt? Shites it. Puts down his drink, turns, and gets the fuck out of there. And after that, well, the game was mine.
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".
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Begbie 9/11/2024 - A bug that we will Never Forget :^) (6 months ago)
Begbie commented on a video (6 months ago)
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As I said earlier, these kiddos wouldn't even survive one day on old Internet at all, whether YT, Newgrounds, or 4ch (although that's an obvious examp...
Begbie commented on a video (6 months ago)
The Fun Side of Old YouTube Clone S...
@ShyStudios @ShyStudios noooooo but the xer revisionists from the comments told me old youtube never succumbed into racism, gore (albeit 240p low qual...
Begbie commented on a video (6 months ago)
goood morning sar it is of very nice video i rate 5 star of five. greetings from Redmond, WA Microsoft Campus area.
Begbie became friends with burger (6 months ago)
Channel Comments (223)
Kanryuu (7 years ago) He treats people like complete shit if they don't agree with absolutely everything he says and if someone calls him out on his bullshit he'll ignore everything they said and twist it around to make it look like he's a victim. He's a little autistic pedophile faggot and is a representation of what the worst of humanity looks like. He's worse than Chris Chan imo
Kanryuu (7 years ago) He's a piece of shit. I wouldn't have talked to him but he tagged my name in something and tried to drag me into it.
Begbie (7 years ago) actualy no praise benny the one and only god
OfficerGoatse (7 years ago) No Thank You Troll
dzieckoneo (7 years ago) @Tux to gites w takim razie... ;)
Begbie (7 years ago) @dzieckoneo e tam nie martwię się o to :P
dzieckoneo (7 years ago) lol to wyglada jakbym ci pomysl podpierdolil z tym gta san andreas, wiem o twoim kanale bo mi sie w related videos pokazuje... sora za to
vistafan12 (7 years ago) mąkę?
noahproductions2 (7 years ago) on 1.0 you can't change featured channels name. It's a stupid glitch
Begbie (7 years ago) @evancunningham ye i know now, it's cause of the filesize
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