AnthonyGiarrusso's Channel
Joined: Jul 03, 2020
Last Sign In: 1 week ago Subscribers: 695
Video Views: 18,847 Channel Views: 15,076
Motivational Speaking, Entertainment, Paranormal, and More!
Movies: Raya and the Last Dragon, Ford v Ferrari, Pirates of the Caribbean
Music: SiriusXM, Pandora, SoundCloud, CDs, and FM Radio
Books: Non-fiction about marine biology, cars, and finance
Subscribers (695)
Videos (332)
Channel Comments (825)
AnthonyGiarrusso (2 years ago)
I've been deplatformed off of Tracle and they deleted all my content. I'm not giving up. I made a new Tracle .TV account called "Anthony Giarrusso X" and this is the link:
AGFanClub (2 years ago)
We like like you Anthony!
Slamrush (2 years ago)
Cómo está eso de los chinos que dijiste?
AnthonyGiarrusso (2 years ago)
Yay, no more ads for now!
AnthonyGiarrusso (3 years ago)
I'm having issues with ads blocking me signing in!
AnthonyGiarrusso (3 years ago)
Thank you N30N! @N30N
N3ON (3 years ago)
AnthonyGiarrusso (3 years ago)
WARNING! Alleged Chinese spies observing American accounts!
¡ADVERTENCIA! ¡Supuestos espías chinos observando cuentas estadounidenses!
警告! 据称中国间谍在观察美国账户!
¡ADVERTENCIA! ¡Supuestos espías chinos observando cuentas estadounidenses!
警告! 据称中国间谍在观察美国账户!
AnthonyGiarrusso (3 years ago)
@Slamrush Hi
Slamrush (3 years ago)
Hello there bro
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