Welcome to my Channel!
Joined: Sep 10, 2017
Last Sign In: 6 years ago Subscribers: 79
Video Views: 465 Channel Views: 1,212
Age: 25
Country: United Kingdom
Interests: Photography, Music, Music Production, Video editing,
Music: Hillsong, Virtual Riot
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Channel Comments

Animalcrossing (7 years ago)
@4dojo D: if I bring my memory card and put that in your gamecube I think I can join

TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Well I'm gonna upload another video tonight on here, but it's an old video from my old YouTube channel, but as soon as I get a new device, I will upload strictly new videos. How about you man?

4dojo (7 years ago)
aw man. They haven't invented town gates on the GC. Guess I'm trapped forever D:

Animalcrossing (7 years ago)
@4dojo XD Might be a bit difficult You might need to open your town gates first lol

4dojo (7 years ago)
Could you retrieve the shirt Chief borrowed from me? Me lent it to tangy and tangy lent it to Ribbot, and ribbot lent it to.... ;D

Shizuka (7 years ago)

flaggendrongo (7 years ago)
Thanks,good as always,hope you too.

Gosamaru (7 years ago)
I'm good, you?

TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
You're welcome and I bet you are. You deserve more subscribers than what you have buddy. :)

vistafan12 (7 years ago)
Hello :P
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