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ANTIFASlayer Joined: Sep 02, 2023 Last Sign In: 2 weeks ago Subscribers: 28 Channel Views: 577
Age: 43
Greetings ladies and gents (fuck you leftists). I am the brother of RINOHunter, and I slay ANTIFA thugs that like to attack police officers and burn down cities. And I am a proud supporter of the SnyderVerse. I shall boycott James Gunn's new DCU for he is an employee of Disney here to sabotage DC.

And also fuck any big corporation/studio exec that thinks its okay to shit on the fans (looking at you Seth Rogen, James Gunn). The fans are the ones that buy toys and movie tickets, w/o them YOU ALL ARE NOTHING!!!
Country: Canada
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Jake Long Talks From: RINOHunter
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Jake Long Talks
Jake Long Talks 1 year ago
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ANTIFASlayer commented on a video (1 month ago)
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I like to be in your video. Maybe my army buddy can be in it too. He's gonna use Zuwijo Zwil Velgear from Go Rush. And don't worry, he's not a liberal...
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ANTIFASlayer became friends with GosamaruSama (11 months ago)
Channel Comments (96)
GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Yeah right, you support Trump, who brought us the fucking vaccine, you MAGA people are basically worse than the left! No, YOU CALL US CRAPITALISTS BECAUSE YOU'RE A SOCIALIST PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT! Yeah, you do what you want, but when the economic crash happens, I won't feel sorry for you! Ghost ain't a brony and how fucking dare you call Ghost a little bastard! YOU'RE THE LITTLE BASTARD YOU MANCHILD LOSER!
FishingCapitalist (1 year ago)
Of fucking course you'd watch stupid Russian agent Tucker Carlson and MAGA grifter piece of shit Dan Bongino! AND HOW DARE YOU CALL GHOST YOSEMITE HAM, YOU BETTER TAKE THAT SHIT BACK, BOI!
BikerCapitalist (1 year ago)
The DHS would've gotten beat the fuck up by Ghost and you know it, boi! I bet Ghost would beat you into dog meat because he gets intro bar brawls for exercise and I doubt you could fight to save your life, you manchild piece of crap! Fuck Ron Paul, he's a fruity sounding dumbass and I bet every Ron Paul supporter is a fruity ass fruitbowl gay bastard that takes it up the pooper!
GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Oh yeah, of course she is, so she's a stupid dumb young bitch then that probably bitches and moans about climate change and other stupid trivial crap! I could care less what they do, but I don't want to know what shit they fucking talk about! Every time you call me a crapitalist, YOU'RE SHOWING YOU'RE A SOCIALIST PIECE OF SHIT! Fuck you, I'll still listen to Ghost and NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO! Trump is the fucking NWO for making that stupid vaccine, you stupid idiot! Ghost is republican!
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago)
Cucker is a grifting piece of shit puto with a fruity voice and he had a sex tourist on his show! How's that, you stupid puto? Joe Rogan is a stupid brony bro puto and I don't trust him either! Tucker was on CNN too, puto, bet you didn't know that shit! Ghost is the underground, he doesn't need you trolly tard putos trolling him anyway! Ghost has CIA levels of insight!
FishingCapitalist (1 year ago)
Shut up, you 42 year old comic book obsessed manchild! Butthurt these nuts! STOP CALLING US CRAPITALISTS, YOU SOCIALIST POS, AND WE HATE THE NWO! Ghost doesn't support open borders, but he supports WW3 to toughen up the youth! Of fucking course you got the vax, you sound fucking vaxxed, boi! Doesn't matter, you still took the damn vax! Fuck Roe vs Wade, giving women power has fucked up the world! And fuck doctors, they're pieces of shit! I haven't been to the doctors in years and I'm fine!
BikerCapitalist (1 year ago)
And I hope you get cancer of the cock you stupid manchild loser! Ghost mocked Stan Lee because that idiot is the reason we have so many manchildren nowadays! And the fact he was a liberal piece of shit! You better stop mocking rockape, and I know for a fact you wouldn't say that shit to Ghost's face! Because I know Ghost would leave you in a puddle of your own blood and piss you stupid manchild loser! GROW UP!
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago)
Of course I fucking hate woke shit, but Tucker Carlson is a fucking grifter POS and Joe Rogan is a liberal idiot for wanting Bernie! Of course an idiot puto like you would support them!
FishingCapitalist (1 year ago)
FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE, I AIN'T A DAMN RINO AND I FOR SURE FUCKING HATE THE NWO! I'M BETTING YOU SUPPORT THAT KLAUS SCHWAB ASSHOLE BECAUSE I'M BETTING YOU TOOK THAT COVID JAB AND SUPPORT TRUMP! WELL FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE, YOU TRUMP MAGA TARDS ARE LIKE KLAUS SCHWAB! And I fucking hate Soros, how fucking dare you make the claim I support that prince of darkness! Unlike you, I'm smart enough to not take the damn covid jab! I've never gotten covid either! Feels good man!
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