207Punchy's Channel
Back to uploading music nobody cares about, because I have nothing else to do
Occupation: Print Shop
Schools: SIU - Carbondale
Interests: Modern art, photography, MS Paint, automotive design
Music: The music I post, obviously
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Videos (212)
Channel Comments (145)
HACKEDBYVLTP (2 years ago)
Then explain your fast upload schedule
207Punchy (2 years ago)
nope, i downloaded the albums in full off of youtube, downloaded the album covers, and combined them in windows movie maker, dumbass
HACKEDBYVLTP (2 years ago)
All the videos were from YouTube and he downloaded the videos with a video to mp4 app
207Punchy (2 years ago)
prove it
HACKEDBYVLTP (2 years ago)
70 (2 years ago)
Why did you smack talk Kristofer Chandenko man :(
TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
Hey just seen your comment on my latest video, I wasn't offended or anything, I just thought it was funny. :)
nether (2 years ago)
awesome music, i was listening to faith no more/mr bungle today
207Punchy (2 years ago)
no matter what your channel has some damn weebs will subscribe, that should be vidlii rule no. 1
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